By Nite
United Kingdom
This is not a gardening question,i have in my magnolia tree which has a montana growing through it a ring neck dove nesting in it.I find it a nuisance but wont disturb it at present,because it obviously has young,Can any one give me advice i dont want it taking up perminent residence when i can, i will destroy the nest.Do they stay in the nest over winter?
27 Jun, 2017
You can't touch the nest until such times as all the eggs have hatched and the chicks are fledged. Once that has happened parents a young will leave the nest a roost where ever they want to... but that won't be your magnolia tree!
27 Jun, 2017
so as mg says they will leave it. then remove the nest. next breeding season keep disturbing them as they are trying to build a nest and they will go else where.
27 Jun, 2017
Thank you all for that information i feel better now.would never dream of hurting the chicks,but if they try again next year will disturb their nest building.
27 Jun, 2017
Eyespybird Answer was....
They will only use the nest once so you are ok to do what you want to the tree when they have gone.
27 Jun, 2017
Once the chicks have fledged the birds will leave the nest for this year. During the day they will perch on overhead wire and a night will roost in a tree.
27 Jun, 2017
Previous question
Have you tried asking bird questions on it is linked to this site I think?
I have copied & pasted you message on there to see if they come back to me :o)) Jackie x
27 Jun, 2017