Neem oil for those pesky little black beetles??
By Resinone
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Has anybody used neem oil for those pesky little black beetles on sweet peas, roses etc?? The ones that fall out of the flowers in their hundreds when brought indoors. Apparently it's not harmful to beneficial insects, just to leaf eating/sucking bugs. Anybody with experience of this oil as bug control? Thanks
2 Jul, 2017
Ahh that's what they are, thanks Sbg, I had bn doing some searching but not come up with anything definitive. I noticed that my windows were crawling with them the first time I brought sweet peas in years ago. So had been doing the putting in the shed thing since. My roses are crawling with them.. but at least they don't do any damage so I'll leave them be, apart from a good shake!
2 Jul, 2017
I think you are referring to pollen beetles. I don't do anything about them as they are pollinators. as for neem oil, never tried it so I cant comment.
if you are cutting flowers for indoors the RHS suggest picking them and plaving in the vase in a shed/garage etc with the door open for about 24hrs. the beetles fly out towards the light.
2 Jul, 2017