By Kiki
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, i've a Clematis Rising Star; which was planted in a container in May. It flowered; then the older leaves have developed black patches which are now brittle as if burned, though it's in a shady spot. A neighbour has what appears to be Fireblight, but none of my other plants are affected. My Passionflowers are doing well by the way. Thanks Kiki.
19 Aug, 2010
Thanks Spritzhenry.
19 Aug, 2010
You're welcome. I hope it's OK.
19 Aug, 2010
When i've mastered photography i'll let you know; Thanks again, Kiki.
21 Aug, 2010
I'll look forward to seeing your photos! :-)
23 Aug, 2010
Clematis can do this - if the rest of the plant is OK and not showing signs of collapse, don't worry about it. The time to worry is when the whole lot turns brown and dies off suddenly. That'll be Clematis wilt, and all you can do then is to cut back the affected stems, burn them including all dead fallen leaves and hope that the plant sends up new shoots from the base in the spring.
'Rising Star' is a group 3 Clem, so it needs a hard prune in early spring. That will get rid of the dead bits. You say it's in the shade - is it getting enough sun? Clems prefer shade on their roots and their heads in the sun.
19 Aug, 2010