By Kittens
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hi I have just started a grape vine in our polytunnel greenhouse, roots outside, should I do anything to it this year or let it grow a bit more, its 3 feet into the greenhouse with 3 stems. a few leaves have holes already .
19 Aug, 2010
Hi Kittens
I can not help as I inherited mine but I have 4 grape vines 2 in my poly tunnel and 1 in each of my greenhouses, they produce so much fruit I give so much away in my pics is an example, we are eating some of the black ones from the greenhouse
Good luck
19 Aug, 2010
Live and learn!
19 Aug, 2010
Hi Kittens, thanks for your comment and I hope you have a crop as good as mine I will try and get some more pics then you know what you are leting yourself in for lol
21 Aug, 2010
Previous question
« when replanting do you bury the seed pod or leave some of it above ground
I've got to admit, I wouldn't try to grow a grapevine in a greenhouse, but maybe it makes more sense in the UK.
19 Aug, 2010