By Bridgeman
I planted some rhubarb in January my brother separated from his plants . They are now really big and healthy. Can I harvest them now? Not sure if I have to leave until next year as someone told me to do. Thanks.
8 Jul, 2017
Good advice Stera - I totally agree with this.
8 Jul, 2017
Even next year you should only take a maximum of 25% of the stems. The 'crown' needs to establish itself and the only way it can do so is by being allowed to grow god healthy stems that then feed back to it. Once it has died back late autumn time a bucket of really well rotted manure put round the crown will work its way down into the soil and help to feed too.
9 Jul, 2017
Thank you so much for advice. I will take heed and not use any this year(although really tempted as it looks so good) This is first time I have managed to grow what looks like good Rhubarb.
9 Jul, 2017
Just keep telling yourself your patients will be rewarded!
9 Jul, 2017
Sorry, don't pull any this year. Next year you can have a little but main harvesting should wait until the year after that. Pulling too soon seriously weakens the plant so its worth waiting. If you find it completely impossible to resist just take one stalk...
8 Jul, 2017