By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Acers - do they have a deep root run? When we move house later this summer I'm hoping to take one of mine, and am wondering whether it would be feasible.
11 Jul, 2017
Thanks Mg - of course I wouldn't take plants without permission, but the buyers are not keen gardeners and have told me to take anything I want. The Acer will go into a large pot of ericaceous compost for a week or so - if I can dig it up!
11 Jul, 2017
What height is it and how long has it been in the ground... it it is a Japanese acer the roots should be fairly near the surface and have formed a mat almost. The big acer trees do have a tap root though.
11 Jul, 2017
Hi Sheila: Congratulations on your new home. It must be exciting to move. The answer to your question is yes. With the right equipment and manpower, you can successfully relocate the acer. I was watching this video last week, but you might find it helpful and interesting. Let me know how it goes.
100 Year Old Compton Oak Move Successful in League City
11 Jul, 2017
Many thanks, Paul, for your positive encouragement. I've watched the link, and it's amazing . . . makes me think moving a small tree should be a doddle!
We have several Acers, and I haven't quite decided yet which one will come with us . .
12 Jul, 2017
That's great Sheila. I hope it all goes well for you. When is your moving day? Where are you moving to?
12 Jul, 2017
We don't yet have a date, Paul, nothing is signed. We're planning on moving to a smaller house (and smaller garden) on the other side of town. We belong to so many clubs and groups (golf, croquet, reading, gardening) that we couldn't move away!
12 Jul, 2017
Depends on which acer it is, how long it has been in the ground and whether you are going to be able to replant immediately. Also do not forget that, unless you have specified otherwise, all the trees plants etc. in your garden are part of the sale.
11 Jul, 2017