By Valgaz
United Kingdom
I have dug up a largish cordeline (approx 6ft) because it was completely in the shade and put it in a pot. I kept the root ball complete and have kept the soil moist. I was told to spray the leaves periodically as well because they immediately went limp. Now the plant was loosing all its leaves and was going mulchy in the top. I have removed the leaves as they were going to drop anyway and cut off the soggy top bit. Will the cordyline recover in time?
15 Jul, 2017
Sadly, it sounds like it died, though it is still possible that it will send out offsets from the base. One thing to remember: the root ball on a 6 ft. tall Cordyline will extend as far as 10 ft. from the trunk in all directions. That makes it impossible to get a large fraction of the roots when you dig it up. Some tips for future reference:
Wait to transplant until the weather is cool, but frost free. Since Cordyline is frost tender, it may be better to do it in the spring, than in the fall, as for hardier plants.
Immediately before digging it up, cut off up to 2/3 of the leaves, starting with the oldest ones.
If it is going to be in the pot more than a few weeks, use a tub at least 6 inches bigger than the root ball in all directions. Also use a fast draining potting mix.
I would use a good root stimulator, too.
15 Jul, 2017