By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
We (the royal we because Him Indoors did the work!) planted an Amelanchier earlier this year. It seems to be thriving. However it has grown three leaders and I wondered if I ought to reduce that to one? Also should I prune that one back a bit?
16 Jul, 2017
If you bought it with at least four feet of single stem then its a tree and you could tip prune it in the late autumn to make it more bushy. If it has only a short stem then its a shrub and once again just tip prune in the autumn. The most common variety is Amalanchier Canadensis (Lamarckii). A joy in any garden.
17 Jul, 2017
Ok, thank you for the information. It's definitely a tree, Amelanchier grandiflora Ballerina. Given your advice I shall tip prune in the autumn.
Thanks guys. Very helpful.
18 Jul, 2017
Hi, there are 25 species of Amelanchier, some are trees, some are shrubs, so we really need to know which species you have, if you have a shrub and you cut the other 2 leaders off, it won't be a shrub, if you then cut that 1 down, and it's a shrub, it will become a shrub again by throwing out more leaders, Derek.
16 Jul, 2017