By Ravenspass
United Kingdom
I purchased a Acer plant about two months ago,all the leaves have wind burn and it's looking a bit a sorry for its self is there anything I can do to save it ?
2 Aug, 2017
Agree with Bamboo needs to be moved to a less windy spot, if if it was in a container and is now in the ground make sure it receives enough water, if it is in the ground I'd wait for autumn to actually move.
2 Aug, 2017
Just the usual welcome to your new home kind of shock from disturbance to its root system from replanting. Leave it be if you have ground planted it and in time it will adjust itself to its new surroundings. Expect a leaf drop since it will be downsizing itself in accordance with any diminishment in its root ball. It will most probably rebound quite nicely next spring.
2 Aug, 2017
Loosestrife - if its Acer palmatum, it will leaf out nicely next year - but will look just as bad in short order, if its in a windy spot.If its another variety Acer, wind is not a problem.
2 Aug, 2017
Sounds like a relocation might be considered.
2 Aug, 2017
Thank you for all your helpful comments,it's in a large pot so I will try and find a more sheltered spot in the garden that won't be easy living on the east coast ??????
2 Aug, 2017
Nope it probably won't Acer palmatum needs that though if you don't want the leaves wind burnt... which particular one did you buy?
2 Aug, 2017
Well its neither dead nor dying if all the leaves just look frazzled from windburn, but you do need to find a different situation for it, one that is sheltered, out of the wind, and preferably where it isn't fully exposed to sun between 11 and 3 in the summer. If you don't, it may live but will look dreadful all the time. This assumes you're talking about a Japanese Acer (Acer palmatum variety).
2 Aug, 2017