By Bja
We moved an old manure pile on the garden. Just worked it in for two years. Planted our garden this year.The potatoes are scabby and the tops look very distressed.Most of the carrots have slight rust spots on them but not showing damage to the tops.Could the soil still be too rich for the root vegetables? I am assuming that the are saf e to eat.
- 2 Aug, 2017
Do you know what animal the manure was from...sheep, cow, horse or chicken? In digging it in do you have any idea of the manure to soil ratio...8/2 or 5/5 etc? I think you would have had better control of the mixing ratio if you had an equal pile of soil next to the manure pile. Then you could ratio it better by the shovel full of each, e.g. Two shovels full of one on top of one shovel full of the other mix and then add. Also the drainage quality of the soil might have adversely been affected by your method.
3 Aug, 2017
Too much manure can make the soil too alkaline which encourages scab
3 Aug, 2017
PS - yes the veg will be quite safe to eat - just peel off the affected bits.
3 Aug, 2017
For some reason, the benefits of the manure pile isn't reaching the root vegetables. Did you work it into the top 8 inches of soil or did you just lay the manure on top?
3 Aug, 2017