By Mark61
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi have planted some red and white flowers near each other inseperate pots but i have been told not to have them together as it is a sign of death.Is this correct or is it a old wifes tale?
21 Aug, 2010
I always did think that was superstitious!
21 Aug, 2010
Me too!
21 Aug, 2010
never heard of it before. many wedding boquets are red and white with out ndue happenings.
21 Aug, 2010
Only unlucky if planted under a ladder with a black cat doing a poo in the middle of it and you throwing a mirror at it that smashes.......Lol
21 Aug, 2010
Ooops! How many years of 'bad luck' does that add up to, Fractal? LOL.
22 Aug, 2010
I think they cancel each other out :-)
22 Aug, 2010
Just as well - that is if anyone 'were' that superstitious! Oh, and don't forget to put your umbrella down indoors, will you? lol.
22 Aug, 2010
No looking at the full moon through glass either lol
22 Aug, 2010
Unless you cross your palm with silver! ;-)
22 Aug, 2010
now I thought it was looking at a new moon through glass. [oops a daisy for all us spectacle wearers then!]
22 Aug, 2010
lol SBG - Mark I hope by now you realise you grow the plants you want to grow together... colour be damned!
22 Aug, 2010
Christopher Lloyd grew everything together and lived to a ripe old age :-)
22 Aug, 2010
Oh, but he did die after planting them together, Fractal! (Just 50-ish years later! LOL)
23 Aug, 2010
This was true of Hospitals up to the 1950s a lot of them forbid red and white flowers also they did not like flowers out of season and wilting flowers we have a 93 year old retired matron lives 3 doors away and she confirmed that red/white flowers were not allowed in the Halifax hospital when she worked there up to 1966 I think its a load of nonsense.
24 Aug, 2010
It used to be said in hospitals 40 years ago that you should not put red and white flowers together because it symbolised death but I see no reason not to have them together in a garden - or a hospital for that matter :-)
21 Aug, 2010