By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
St Swithun's rose.
After much head scratching we bought this rose to plant against a north facing wall. The plant details and picture showed a fairly deep pink bloom; it was also supposed to be deeply scented. What we've got is a very pale pink flower that hangs it's head and hardly smells at all. The colour is similar to that of New Dawn but I know that rose and this isn't it. Anyone like to hazard a guess as to what it is?

9 Aug, 2017
I googled it and, yes, it does look like it should. Obviously you can't rely on plant labels. I still have it and the colour is definitely shown as a deeper pink. We were assured that it's ok in shade though it does get early and late sunshine. Except today and yesterday! At least the ground is having a good soak.
9 Aug, 2017
You might find the flowers are darker pink when they first open, or as they age - even in that photo on the website, you can see various shades of pink on different flowers.
9 Aug, 2017
I'm slightly disappointed with it, especially since the blooms hang their heads. There seem to be a lot of roses that do that. It has only been in a matter of about six weeks though,
Thanks, Bamboo, for your comments.
9 Aug, 2017
I did check David Austen's description of this rose, because many of their own bred roses have droopy heads, which they usually describe as 'nodding', but it doesn't mention it at all for this one. I suppose when its gets tall, the flowers drooping downwards might be okay...
9 Aug, 2017
Hi, I have one of David Austin catalogues and in the back there is a list of climbers for shade and St Swithun is on that list so it should be ok. Looking up the detail for St Swithun is says they are a soft pink, gradually fading to a blush white on the outer petals.
9 Aug, 2017
Thank you, Jen, that's what we had been told. However, the picture attached to the bush does definitely show the bloom as being a deeper pink.
Still, it's in the ground now and will stay there unless it turns up its toes. It looks healthy enough at present anyway.
Thank you both.
10 Aug, 2017
Previous question
David Austen sells this rose,and its described as 'soft' pink- the flowers you're showing in your photo are almost exactly what's in the picture they provide on their sales site, so it does seem to be St. Swithun. Described as having a strong scent of 'myrrh' whatever that smells like, but you know as well as I do that flowery descriptions of any possible scent on a sales site can't really be trusted, and everyone's sense of smell differs. The description does not mention its being good in shade though...
9 Aug, 2017