By Oldguy
United Kingdom
Can anyone help I have this growth on one of my fuchsias it appeared last year and I cut it down to the ground the new growth seemed to be ok but it has now reappeared and I don't want it to pass to my others

9 Aug, 2017
It's Fuchsia gall mite. There's no cure for it. It will spread to your other Fuchsias and your neighbours' also.
If you've cut it back once and it has reappeared, it will probably do so again, so hard as it might be I would destroy the plant. You can always buy another one but try to get it from a reputable source.
9 Aug, 2017
Hi Hywel
I had a feeling it was that so I will go with your expertise
thanks ..
9 Aug, 2017
lol thanks ... I'm no expert but another member recently asked about it. It's more common in the south of England.
9 Aug, 2017
Sterogram lives in Pembroke as she has it , only takes one nursery to go to a gardening show and it quickly spreads round the country
just so you know I dont have it ....
9 Aug, 2017
I didn't know Steragram had it. I haven't seen it on mine.
9 Aug, 2017
She wrote a blog in July
"I found an infected bush this morning"
9 Aug, 2017
I'll have to look for it. Thanks.
9 Aug, 2017
Thanks everyone I have done a lot more searching and it is the dreaded GALLMITE apparently "Westland plant rescue bug killer" was the only thing that was any use BUT it has now been banned so there is no cure available to the public which strikes me as odd as this means we just let it run wild and travel ALLover the country.!!
10 Aug, 2017
By the way I'm in Gillingham Kent
10 Aug, 2017
Very contagious don’t touch the plant an then touch another Fuchsia there are people tracking the progress of the contamination have been told you can use chicken mite spray but I would either burn or dispose of safely.
You could contact the British Fuchsia Society letting them know where you are so they can add your area to the tracking would be helpful.
11 Aug, 2017
It looks like all the old flowers have gone moldy because of all the rain
9 Aug, 2017