West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Last year I was given a free pack of tulips with some others I'd bought. They turnout to be pink and yellow and white, (like an ice-lolly!) but after the first bloom they branched, so there were several blooms per plant. They were gorgeous and lasted ages and I would like to get some more of any colour but I haven't seen any at the garden centre or in the catalogues so far. Can anyone give me name or any information?
9 Aug, 2017
Try 'Antoinette' PennyFarthing :)
11 Aug, 2017
The book certainly sounds worth a look. I'll enquire when I go into town, but I think you've solved the problem Cottagekaren--the pix of Antoinette might be a different shade but that doesn't matter. It's the branching tulip I'm after as they were so beautiful and lasted so long. I have 3 matching tubs on the back terrace but last year's free pack only filled one, so I'm definitely ordering 'Antoinette'. Many thanks both of you.
11 Aug, 2017
You're welcome! :)
12 Aug, 2017
See if your local library has Anna Pavord's 'The Tulip' in the hardback edition from 1999. The paperback just has the Part I narrative. The hardback has a second part detailing species and cultivars.
10 Aug, 2017