By Linda235
United Kingdom
Plant identification. My friend has asked if anyone can identify the name of this shrub or tree. He says the flower is a stronger red than in the photo.
10 Aug, 2017
Great! He is so pleased to have a name for the shrub. Thanks Bamboo.
10 Aug, 2017
its one shrub I wish I could grow, it is a lovely plant.
10 Aug, 2017
Bit of a gawky grower over time, though, Seaburngirl, though its very useful for shady damp areas to give fairly upright, evergreen height.
10 Aug, 2017
In my garden it wouldn't survive very well...not enough shade, too much wind. And any I've seen locally are pretty rough looking. However, over the river on the South banks of the Tay, I saw one last year, on the North Facing side of a house, sheltered and shady. It was absolutely beautiful! The flowers were huge and the plant was lush and glossy. Location, Location, Location as they say! ;)
11 Aug, 2017
I have always wanted one of these since first seeing it in Cornwall where the Council had planted it in a shady spot, outside the toilets! Having moved back to Norfolk I now have one, thriving slowly in a sheltered, shady spot, mine is not huge yet Karen, but flowers a lovely deep red.
12 Aug, 2017
My friend Pete, husband of my fellow gardener Barbara, has it in a sheltered position and has a successful cutting for me. :0)
12 Aug, 2017
The one I saw in Tayport...I seem to recall it having pinker flowers. I wonder if there is more than one variety. I'll look into it!
12 Aug, 2017
There's Crinodendron hookeranium 'Ada Hoffman' with pink flowers, and I think there's another named pink variety too. Also Crinodendron patagua, with white flowers in September/October, but that one's not entirely hardy everywhere in the UK and needs very damp soil.
12 Aug, 2017
I think I will give it a go on my south facing wall. If it doesn't thrive I can pass it on to Rachel for her very sheltered garden. :) will look out for one tomorrow. We are planning a GC visit for Rachel's last day before going back to work on Monday with her wee cherubs! Cant believe the schools are back already. You watch..the weather will immediately improve!!
12 Aug, 2017
I know Pete said it was a darker colour of red than the photo. It flowered in July. I will pick up my cutting on Thursday. :0)
13 Aug, 2017
If the flowers are actually red, its Crinodendron hookeranium, an evergreen shrub that likes damp, neutral to acid soil and does well in shadier conditions.
10 Aug, 2017