By Bathgate
New York, United States
I just got back from a bike ride along the shore. These were growing out in the field. Does anybody know what these little white flowers are or if they are even registered?
...and what about that little bug?
- 16 Aug, 2017
it look likes a winged ant but its not clear enough to really identify it.
there is an even smaller insect further down.
the flower does look like an erigeron [common name flea bane]
16 Aug, 2017
LOL that's amazing - another world can exist on the head of a flower.
16 Aug, 2017
By the way biologically neither insect in the photo is a true bug. Bugs are in a biological order of their own and have sucking mouth parts. they are hemiptera and if these are ants they are in the hymenoptera. Insects are so diverse and there are many orders and then families within each order .
17 Aug, 2017
Wow that's interesting. Your knowledge is indepth. When I magnify the 2nd photo, the larger insect looks like a bee. Could it be a tiny bee? Tiny flower for a tiny bee?
17 Aug, 2017
They could very well be a parasitic wasps.
17 Aug, 2017
Parasitic wasps is what I was thinking, too. As for the flower, most likely Annual Fleabane (Erigeron annuus)
18 Aug, 2017
18 Aug, 2017
If they are fairly small, then Erigeron karvinskianus. They look nice, but terribly invasive around here.
16 Aug, 2017