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Kent, United Kingdom

When to prune French lavender? Hi, I planted French Lavender a few years ago. I was just unsure when to prune it? I had a look at the plant labels of several types of French Lavender in my local garden centre. Some said to prune in early spring, others said to prune late summer/autumn. Some I'm rather confused? Thanks for any advice.



you can do either really. in spring the prunings will root easily where as I find they are less successful done now.
either way don't prune into old wood as the bare stems rarely regrow from there. just a light trim is needed.

17 Aug, 2017


Many thanks for the advice. I spent 2-3 hours yesterday deadheading the entire lavender hedge, it was quite backbreaing work! I'll probably leave the full pruning regime until next Spring then just to be on the safe side.

17 Aug, 2017

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