By Phloxie
United Kingdom
Good Morning
Can anyone tell me the best way to beef a couple of Japanese Anemone x Hybrida which I have in my garden. I seem to read everywhere that they are invasive I wish they were in my garden I love them.
18 Aug, 2017
Thank you sbg for answering my question. Would spring be the best time to add fertiliser to the soil for them or would you feed them when they finish flowering in the autumn. How kind of you to offer me some pieces of your plants I would be very grateful to receive them and cover any costs you incur.
18 Aug, 2017
Autumn is not the best of time as the fertilizer wouldn't really be used and could wash away in heavy rains. so spring is by far the best time. send me a PM with your name and address etc and I will put a reminder in my diary to send you some.
18 Aug, 2017
cultivate the soil around them, loosen the soil and add a general purpose fertiliser like grow more. Mine took about 4 yrs to establish. they now move around quite freely.
older varities seem to be lesswell behaved than some of the modern hybrids.
I have queen charlotte and September charm. would you like some next spring?
18 Aug, 2017