By Steragram
United Kingdom
I have a mature Drypoteris felis mas "Parsley" happy where it is in full sun but I would really like to move it into fairly dense dry shade, which I believe it will tolerate. Is it too late to move a mature one? Any tips?.
21 Aug, 2017
Long Acre Plants recommended this one when I described the site. But I am concerned that its a bit too big to risk moving it. Its on their short list of ferns that are OK in dry shade. They have also recommended Poysticum setiferum which I have grown in the past at the foot of a north facing fence where it was extremely dry. I know there are only half a dozen ferns max that may stand those conditions though.
21 Aug, 2017
Previous question
Doubt it would cope with either the dense shade or the dry soil... partial shade and moist soil would be fine; even then though it depends on the size of the fern.
21 Aug, 2017