how & what to do before planting garlic & onions in september
By Tojan
United Kingdom
how & what to do before planting setts of garlic & onions in september
21 Aug, 2017
obviously as you are digging remove any weeds that you come across.
21 Aug, 2017
Make sure the planting bed is freely draining - no puddles of mucky soil. Lot's of composted manure as stated above. Add sand or grit if it's too compacted.
21 Aug, 2017
If the soil has been under pavement for a while, you also may need to add some mycorrhizae, especially Glomus species. Members of the onion family are dependent on them.
22 Aug, 2017
The deeper that you can loosen and prepare the soil the better. Onions and garlic roots reach a depth of 12 to 18 inches.
22 Aug, 2017
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Dig over the bed and dig in a lot of well composted manure or garden compost. I am assuming you are planting 'sets' not seeds...
21 Aug, 2017