I have a very handsome skimma japonica growing in my front garden. Unfortunately this is very close to my water meter and I am becoming very concerned as to how deep the roots of the skimma may be and whether they may eventually damage the water pipes and cause a leak.
Please can anyone advise; I would be very sorry to have to lose the plant. Thank you.
23 Aug, 2017
Just remember that the water company probably has rules about access to the meter. Some creative pruning might be in order, if it's that close.
23 Aug, 2017
When ours died a slow and lingering death and we dug them up there were no deep roots in evidence at all.
23 Aug, 2017
Very unlikely to cause damage to pipes - Skimmias are relatively small shrubs, its plants like trees, willows especially, and taller, woody shrubs that cause this kind of problem.
23 Aug, 2017