By Gardengrammy
I saved seeds from "chatahoochie" phlox and would like to know when I should throw seeds for Spring. I live in New York zone 5. Thank u
26 Aug, 2017
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flower seeds & seedlings
welcome to Goy.
they need to be sown out side when all danger of frosts has gone. or indoors in a heated propagator. As they develop they can be planted out no earlier than May really.
they may not come true from seed though as they may have been fertilized by other varieties.
26 Aug, 2017
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Hello: I live in New York also. I usually start my seeds indoors the last week in February or beginning of March. I use those little seed cups, peat pots. By the time May rolls around, you'll have decent size plants you can plant out in the garden. Don't expect flowers until the 2nd year.
26 Aug, 2017