By Johnjoe
The front of my house is facing north. Over the Autumn & Winter I get a lot of moss in the lawn. I treat it with evergreen 4in1 to remove the moss, which leaves me with a lot of bare patches and it takes about a month to fill in. Is there anything I can use to keep the moss away over the winter months.
I would be grateful for any advice
4 Sep, 2017
If you ever felt like reseeding there is a grass seed mix designed for shady lawns, though I don't know anymore about it than that. It might be robust enough to survive the moss...
Or give up on the lawn and replan the area lol...
4 Sep, 2017
A bit of limestone might help with that, also, though I would get the soil tested first so you don't get too much. That idea's no good next to Rhododendrons or Camellias, though.
4 Sep, 2017
Thank you Seaburngirl, Stergram, & Tugburthil, all good answer.
5 Sep, 2017
Previous question
« I'm interested in "no dig gardening ". My allotment has a huge problem...
try improving the drainage of the turf. spike the ground especially in the wettest parts and brush in lawn sand to help.
4 Sep, 2017