By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Hi, it's me Again. My climbing rose is shooting out long stems, do I cut the whole rose down, cut some back or train them onto a frame which I haven't got yet LOL.
6 Sep, 2017
If you have a wall, but no trellis, you can get little buttons with wire loops that can be glued to the wall to tie the canes to. That will work temporarily, but you will want to get a trellis ASAP, since the longer the canes grow, and the stiffer the base of the plant, the harder it will be to winkle a trellis in afterward.
6 Sep, 2017
Thanks for the info friends x
6 Sep, 2017
If its against a wall you can use masonry nails and strong wire to train the stems along. Lasts longer than trellis.
6 Sep, 2017
I've added a pic, of some old trellis I've put up for the moment LOL, to be renewed sometime in the future so I have been busy Ouch! attaching the rose Ouch! to it & over the arch Ouch! LOL, Ive also have started to Ouch! to sort another rose on the other side of the Arch Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I'ts my Mum of 95yrs that wants the flippin roses Ouch!
Sore Jackie x Ouch!
8 Sep, 2017
"Give blood...grow roses!" :)
8 Sep, 2017
LOL ;-))
8 Sep, 2017
try and tie them as close to horizontal as possible as these will flower next year. if they get too long then yes you can trim them.
6 Sep, 2017