By Tillie
United Kingdom
I have just planted 3 lavender plants and they had lovely purple flowers when I did this, now about a month later the purple flower is grey looking. Is it still alive? What do I do now?. Do not want to kill them, please help a very new gardener !!!!!
Asked from the GoYpedia
lavender page
23 Aug, 2010
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Thanks Bamboo, will get outside and have a go, they are such a lovely plant would hate to kill them before we got started!!. We are just in the middle of doing our garden and want to plant some grasses or plants that will look good in the gravel we have put down, any ideas??.
23 Aug, 2010
Hakonlechloa is a fabulous grass, but does die back in the winter, otherwise Festuca glauca, or Helictotrichon, also blue, which are evergreen. These three are true grasses rather than sedges or rushes, so will tolerate dry conditions well. Remember that, if your gravel is in a sunny place, lots of the small rockery alpine type plants do well in that situation. Assuming it is hot and dry, Armeria maritima is one that springs to mind.
23 Aug, 2010
Wow ok that will get me started, thank you.
23 Aug, 2010
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Clip the bushes over, taking all the spent flower stems and a little of the leaf growth (about quarter to half an inch of leaf maximum). They should flower again later. Make sure you keep them clipped after major flushes of flowering to help prevent legginess of the bush.
23 Aug, 2010