Lavender Fields Forever
By stickitoffee
“Let me take you down
Cause I’m going to Lavender Fields
Ev’ry thing’s real
And everything is wonderful
Lavender Fields forever”
with apologies to the Beatles!
Eleven years ago a family farm near Snowshill, Gloucestershire decided to diversify into lavender and now every summer the fields are open to view:
Under a beautiful blue sky with wisp-like clouds we set off to the lavender fields:
The fields were alive with the gentle hum of the bees and the colourful flutter of butterflies:
The clean scent of the lavender filled the air:
Everywhere you looked were rows of varying hues of purple:
lines of purple lead onto lines in the hay field beyond:
A delightful haven for wildlife:
The lines of blue lead you on:
As far as the eye can see:
‘Lavender fields forever’
There is of course a lovely tea shop which sells lavender shortbread and scones as well as tea ~ delicious!
2 Aug, 2011
Previous post: A little water in the garden
Next post: Wild Flower Meadow
Amazing Sticki! I can actually smell the lavender, mmm.
Some of the farmers here in Ontario are switching over to lavender. They used to farm tobacco. Can't wait to visit one.
2 Aug, 2011
It was cinderella and the hum of bees, if you rubbed the lavender between your fingers it was really strong.
2 Aug, 2011
I think lavender scores over tobacco for me lil !!!
2 Aug, 2011
Lovely blog Sticki! Doesn't it look just like somewhere in deepest France! Oh! Or a Van Gogh painting! I can almost smell the's really lovely, you're great for remembering to take your camera with you, and the blues and purples look great to me!
2 Aug, 2011
Hardee har har Sticki. You are obviously not a smoker but I do have to agree with you :)
2 Aug, 2011
Wasted journey without the camera to me Libet! No, lil, never smoked, I like the lavender cos it has so many different uses as well as looking so good!
Actually it was past it's best by the time we got there as you can probably see - next year I'm going in June!
2 Aug, 2011
That's just lovely, Sticki. Will the Lavender be harvested soon? I seem to remember it's done in August time . . . . .
2 Aug, 2011
It may usually be August but this year they started 22nd July!
2 Aug, 2011
Not surprised ... it's been such a dry Summer so I guess their timing is right! . :o))
2 Aug, 2011
wow lovely colours, just as well there isnt a red variety there ; )
2 Aug, 2011
Very true stevie! Some on the butterfly and ladybird tho!
2 Aug, 2011
Sticki, why am I not surprise it ended in a teashop?
Love the lavender, I have about fifty seedlings at the moment. don't know where they are all going to go.
2 Aug, 2011
Hmmmmm, I have no idea at all Grannyb! Actually I think we started there!! I didn't want to miss it!
You could edge all your flower beds with lavender??!!
2 Aug, 2011
Great blog sticki...smashing pictures!
I like lavender but I always make a pig's ear of trimming it and it looks awful after 2 years.
I have noticed I have a few wee seedling growing away in the front garden so am going to leave them well alone and try them in pots when they get a bit bigger.
Have never tasted lavender, I should looking this :)
2 Aug, 2011
Hi Sticki T.
Beginning to think we were separated at birth. Firstly, I read your blog about the water feature. OH promised me one for a 'Big Birthday' some 14 YEARS AGO, so yesterday, having planted a perennial pea in a defunct metal compost bin, I decided to make a bird bath/water feature out of the lid.First, however, I made A BIG MESS by excavating a circular hole, then hosing the lid clean and pouring the water away into the hole. Except. there was no 'away' about it, as the hole retained all the water for several hours, despite channel dug by OH on coming to the rescue. Like you, I too decided to edge the 'water feature' with stones but ran out after three and had to improvise with coconut shells,which, in a previous life, had been bird-feeders. Came in a bit deflated, but have to say that this morning it is not looking too bad albeit still lacking a few stones.
Then to the lavender fields; the colour, the fragrance, the tea shop! Just like you, if there was any danger of missing it, it would be the first port of call.
Seriously, Sticki, I'm born under the sign of Gemini; are you my missing twin?
2 Aug, 2011
just a few dried bits crushed and put into shortbread is nice!
thanks for your nice comments.
you should see the mess the machine leaves the rows in after it has harvested it!
2 Aug, 2011
Oh what a sight to behold.......wonderful I just love the plant.Thanks for that.
2 Aug, 2011
i hope your water feature works out tuesday! you can get stones and shells in hobbycraft nowadays if thats any help!
sorry, im not a gemini!
2 Aug, 2011
you're welcome DD!
2 Aug, 2011
I love lavender, my favorite plant, I have several big ones growing in my garden.. just love the smell of them when I go by.
3 Aug, 2011
Beautiful! Love purple & the sent of lavender and to see it growing like that is awesome. Thanks for the pics.
3 Aug, 2011
Superb pics as ever Sticki . . . beautiful against the blue sky! Thanks for sharing your visit - I was going to ask the best time to see these fields, but I think you thought June? They seem to have a good long flowering period. :))
3 Aug, 2011
How wonderful. I should be smelling the air being just over the hill so to speak! Fantastic to see your photos! Thx. Are they open only on certain days?
3 Aug, 2011
Great blog and photos.
3 Aug, 2011
Many thanks Rogi, Angie, Sheila, Lulu and Frybo ~
it cant be far from you lulu ~ its lovely round there ~ they are open till the end of august it says on the web site, i fancy going back ~ the lavender will be cut but there were sunflowers at the top of the hill!!
I think end of June for the best Sheila ~ i shall try to remember and remind you next year.
here is the web site page for the opening times:
3 Aug, 2011
That looks amazing lovely blog:)
3 Aug, 2011
thanks nana d ~ its worth a visit if you are up this way.
3 Aug, 2011
I read about this Nursery/business - I really must twist OH's arm and go there next year. Thanks for the visit - it looks wonderful. :-)
3 Aug, 2011
Gorgeous photo`s Sticki and I swear I can smell that perfume, I absolutely love lavender, reminds me of my nanna and my mum, both always had lavender in the bottom of their wardrobes and drawers......
3 Aug, 2011
their web site is quite good at telling you about dates ~ for example this year the harvest was late so they put that up on the web site and said which day they would start.
i hope you get there and enjoy your time ~ Snowshill Manor [which belongs to the National Trust] is very nearby.
3 Aug, 2011
Beautiful. I imagine the number of bees. Probably in there millions. Do they have bee Hives?
3 Aug, 2011
thats a thought coshad ~ i didnt see any but masses of bees as you rightly imagine.
3 Aug, 2011
Thx Sticki. When/if you go, maybe I can come too. I promise to be good!
3 Aug, 2011
Did you visit Snowshill Manor? It's an amazing place, isn't it! I didn't realise that the lavender fields were near it. That would make a fantastic day out, to visit both. :-))
3 Aug, 2011
Thats what i was thinking Spritz ~ make your journey more worth while.
I have been but a long time ago ~ we didnt go this time, sorry.
Im sure you would be good lulu ~ dont let me forget ~ next June!!!
3 Aug, 2011
wow wow wow .............. fantastic !!! love it .... luki you ;0)))
3 Aug, 2011
What a great blog. Really scrumptious. I actually live in Gloustershire and have never visited Snowshill. Shame on me, but it is now on my list for next year as a definite 'must do'. Also great photos. Must tell my grandson about them as he is a photographer.
3 Aug, 2011
yes, very lucky to have this about 45 minutes away by car? its part of the cotswolds ~ best to have good weather i think.
3 Aug, 2011
thank you Bredakelly and welcome to GoY!!
the lavender fields dont belong to Snowshill but are very close i think. I used to live 2 miles from Woburn Abbey but Ive never been in it!!
Clever grandson, that must be lovely.
3 Aug, 2011
Great wildlife pics Sticki as well as the lavender..but I do LOVE the pic of the sky..fabulous!
Pity you live so far away Tuesdaybear, we have a load of cotswold stone going begging!
3 Aug, 2011
just seems to lie around doesnt it tet but i dont think we can just pick it up!!!
unfortunately for me i missed the field of poppies which were in full bloom a couple of weeks before just near the lavender.
3 Aug, 2011
If you mean the stone Sticki, its the last of what we edged our flowerbeds with. Since replaced it with neat edging so the stone is stacked up in our dustbin area. We cant seem to give it away! Ken is resorting to putting a stone a week into the dustbin.
3 Aug, 2011
ah i see, sorry, i thought you meant lying around the countryside.
cant you sell it on ebay?
3 Aug, 2011
How absolutely lovely, what a wonderful place to visit. Great pics Sticki, I felt that I was there.
3 Aug, 2011
oh, thank you ginellie, you are welcome
3 Aug, 2011
Throughly enjoyed your blog what beautiful photos and well captured with the little critters lovely blog.
4 Aug, 2011
Very interesting and brilliant pics.
5 Aug, 2011
oh thats kind ~ thank you sixpence and heron. as i mentioned i went a little too late, i know that when we went two years ago the colours were more vibrant and the lavender more luxuriant?
5 Aug, 2011
Beautiful! Love lavender, never tried lavender shortbread, will have to give that a go! :-)
5 Aug, 2011
i made the recipe up red, use a shortbread recipe that you have already got i expect and then add a few crushed lavender flowers/seeds.
5 Aug, 2011
Smashing blog Stiki with wonderful photos - thanks for sharing. :-))
5 Aug, 2011
Heavenly! and Thanks fo the Daily Recod article..that meadow is fantastic! Should be more like it ..then we would be in paradise! :)
5 Aug, 2011
you're very welcome muddy and pixi, nice to share isn't it!?
5 Aug, 2011
Yes it is! ::=)
6 Aug, 2011
6 Aug, 2011
The lavender meadow is fabulously beautiful Sticki.Some pictures are like professional shots.Thanks for sharing.
6 Aug, 2011
you are very kind camilia! glad you liked the pictures
6 Aug, 2011
A very lovely blog and photos to cheer me up on this horrible day in the northwest,where its very wet with a blustery wind, so sorry i mist it before, but it as made me feel better reading it today :)
7 Aug, 2011
Great lavendar blog Stickitoffee envious of your fields.
When we were on holiday in Canada we had lavender icecream and it was so moorish.
7 Aug, 2011
How lovely and so much more fragant then cauliflowers that we have here!
8 Aug, 2011
Thank you clarice, scotkat and sandy, it's very nice to have these lovely fields so near, sandy - I love cauliflower but I see what you mean!
8 Aug, 2011
What a beautiful sight, and it must surely be a pleasurable way to earn a living. Must mark it down for a visit next year Sticki.
9 Aug, 2011
yes definitely worth it stroller ~ not so far for you? i suggest end of june ~ can you remind me please?
9 Aug, 2011
As I am well behind, have just found this, Sticki - Wonderful blogpost to discover in November. Cheered me up no end! Like comments above, can really smell it, too, and not a "beatle" close-up pic, either, to go with the butterfly and ladybird ones, lol. Love it!!!!!
9 Nov, 2011
oh thank you david, actually i had forgotten about this so its a nice reminder for me too!!
i should have looked for a beatle/beetle to put in shouldnt i!!
10 Nov, 2011
You did well enough to spot the butterfly and ladybird, Sticki. Deliberately seeking out a beetle in there would have been like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack - and you would have missed out on the gastronomic delights in the process.
10 Nov, 2011
well thats probably true david, i like beetles but its also nice to sit back and enjoy the view ~ and the scent in this case!!!
10 Nov, 2011
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How lovely Sticki, it must have been wonderful perfume there.
2 Aug, 2011