By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Can I cut back straggely and woody salvia's? They have been reaching for the sun under a laburnum tree and look unsightly. Best get rid or will it survive a hard prune, if so when? Thank you.

19 Sep, 2017
Could you move them to a sunnier spot?
19 Sep, 2017
Yes I will do. I really want to dig up all my borders and have a really good re-organisation but am a little intimidated to do it! (on my own) so instead I am trying to do doing little bits at a time. Also will give laburnum tree a trim on the lower branches to let some more sun in. Have ordered some epimediums to plant underneath, they will hopefully like their semi shaded spot.
20 Sep, 2017
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Not now, no, I'm afraid they should be left to overwinter, then pruned back as growth begins next year.
19 Sep, 2017