By Tillie
United Kingdom
Have just put gravel down in the back garden and want to put in some grasses and or some plants that will look good and are easy maintenance any ideas out there please?
23 Aug, 2010
Oops! I will get better!!
23 Aug, 2010
Not your fault, I'm just not keeping up!
23 Aug, 2010
Most ornamental grasses are very easy maintenance: my favourites are Imperata rubra (gorgeous deep red); Hakonechloa macra (both are deciduous), and Stipa tenuissima and Anemanthele which are evergreen. The website is very useful.
24 Aug, 2010
I couldn't understand why my answer wasn't here, thought i was going bonkers, but then realised its under your previous Q, lol.
23 Aug, 2010