By Janesusan573
United Kingdom
Hello again.
Thank you for your replies to my last question. I now have another! I have a beautiful white lilac tree in my garden which, in the last few years, has only produced a few flowers right at the top of the tree. I believe shoots have appeared and grown quite big (large bush size) from the base of the tree. My question is - should I take off the extra growth from the base and should I prune the main tree, in order to get more flowers next year?
Many thanks
8 Oct, 2017
Owd is correct about the 'suckers'.
prune it next year after it has flowered. then any new shoots may mature enough to develop flowers the following year.
8 Oct, 2017
If the new shoots are coming from below the graft union, then it is likely that they will be either Privet or the standard pinkish Lilac.
If so then you need to remove them right back to the point of origin.
As for pruning the top, then remember that if you do you will lose flowers for at least one season. We did some severe pruning to one of ours, but it did rejuvenate the tree and it has flowered well since.
8 Oct, 2017