United Kingdom
From seed - how long does it take to grow shamrocks ?
From bulb - ditto
From small shamrock plant - can shamrocks last indoors in the winter months? Or are they best planted outside??
We would like to send out a ‘shamrock’ project to our wedding guests with the invitations early January - for guests to wear a coursage on our st.patricks day wedding
17 Oct, 2017
yes I also wondered if they mean the true wild flower as it is for st patricks day.
18 Oct, 2017
Clovers grow all the year round and most people will have a plentiful supply already, in their lawns!
18 Oct, 2017
Shamrock is a name used for a few plants - do you mean Trifolium dubium or Trifolium repens (both clovers) or Oxalis? Some historical information here on the various plants known as shamrock and some growing information
17 Oct, 2017