By Ianonyx
United Kingdom
Can you answer this please- is a courgette a small marrow? If it is how do you tell if its a large courgette or small marrow- and can a cucumber turn into a courgette or marrow. Thank You
24 Aug, 2010
And cucumbers can't turn into either courgettes/marrows, they're different plants.
24 Aug, 2010
Yup small marrow, or to put it the other way a marrow is a large courgette :-) We bought what was supposedly a marrow once and turned out to be a superb courgette!
24 Aug, 2010
Or a courgette is a marrow with an inferiority complex.
25 Aug, 2010
Lol Bertie. Or a courgette is much more useful and tastier than a marrow...
25 Aug, 2010
I agree Bamboo marrow is often watery to me.
25 Aug, 2010
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Yes it is a small marrow.
24 Aug, 2010