By Fredtheted
United Kingdom
I picked my sweetcorn when the tassels were dark brown and they were a good size but the corn was only formed halfway up the cob, any answers please.
24 Aug, 2010
thankyou dorjac they taste grand
24 Aug, 2010
I have often wondered what happens to the commercially grown corn cobs that aren't perfect...
24 Aug, 2010
I don't think any is canned in this country. They could use up the less than perfect ones if they were canned here. So it goes for cattle fodder I guess. Lots of the sweetcorn you see is left til it's much too hard for humans to enjoy, then chopped up, leaves, stalks, cobs and all, to use as animal food.
24 Aug, 2010
Ah yes...
24 Aug, 2010
its a pitty . i sore a project in cornwall wear they use corn husks to make what youd imagine to be a polythene carrier bag . its great because it has all the properties of polythene but if its dropped its bio degradable . you can even eat one if you fancy it . i think the only thing i dont understand is why this idea hasnt been snapped up bye companies like tescos etc .
25 Aug, 2010
Interesting NP, I'd like all supermarkets to charge for carrier bags. Whilst they don't can corn here they do freeze so perhaps that is where the imperfect cobs go, but how do they know until they look inside them?
25 Aug, 2010
they get there husks from when they make tinned sweet corn moon grower . id imagine quality control would weed the unformed corn out at the factory were there first cleaned and sorted .i dont realy understand your last sentance sorry ?
26 Aug, 2010
i think they should make all carrier bags out of this and charge for them .
26 Aug, 2010
Or always take your own bags, whatever you're buying and practice saying "I don't need a bag thanks, I've got my own"
26 Aug, 2010
Me too heavy duty cotton ones and canvas ones I can throw in the washing machine.
NP I was reverting to the original topic of Fred's corn cob not having a full head of corn. I proceeded to wonder what the supermarkets did with such then realised they will be the ones used for frozen sweetcorn.
26 Aug, 2010
ow i c moon grower . i remember working rearing chickens on a farm. the relevents is the chicken farms are situated amongst a normal farm growing crops wear i was . out the front they grew this field of potatos . nothing unusual there but the potatos were being grown for a crisp company specificly excuse my spelling . he got 3 or 4 times the groing rate per ton and at the end they braught a machine to measure the right crisp size potatos .any to small or to big were left on the field for us and that was a big percentage . i bet you wonderd why crisps were so expencive . i remember because at the time i had a motorbike with a top box and i filled it with spuds and couldnt stear properly as the potatos were counterbalancing the front wheel lol .amazing amount of waste in the world .
27 Aug, 2010
There still is NP even in the organic world it seems that carrots have to be a specific size - any with forked roots etc. get discarded and fed to livestock, not that I begrudge the cattle some carrots but the obsession with perfect shaped veg. is, in my opinion, daft. All our Milan turnips have grown lopsided this year with the tops pointing south (probably due to the long wet spell, they were looking for sun) does it affect the taste or quality of them - not one bit.
27 Aug, 2010
and lets be real they hardly look the same on your plate either its redicules . when the queen came down to open some rediculessly huge new council office in our town they changed every cracked paving slab and anything like that . they even double glazed the council houses first that were on her route to the tune of £35,000 .honestly and after she left ripped the lot up and redid it wasting said 35,000 quid . you know the queen must realy see this whole country differantly to anyone else lol . i hate pompus rubbish . im more of a realist myself .
27 Aug, 2010
NP it is all BS! I can't believe the amount of money that is wasted doing things there is no need to do! Titivating this and tarting up that so that some fancy visitor does not see the deep dark dingy truth! ARGH!!!
As to veggies on the plate... lord knows I've found nasties in my veg in restaurants. But the shape of my veg is not one of them!
27 Aug, 2010
here here moon grower . i try to find clean looking eateries and i dont think to much about the food preperation and just hope they do it right .
27 Aug, 2010
Yup all you can do... In fact Mr MB & I eat out very rarely because of this.
27 Aug, 2010
me either as it goes to be quite honest xx .
28 Aug, 2010
thanks to everyone who responded to my question about sweetcorn, we sure covered a lot of different subjects.
16 Sep, 2010
good old grows on you lol fred
17 Sep, 2010
Corn cobs have a mind of their own where each bit of pollen travels down a long tube hits the target or not. You only see perfect cobs on sale and not all the cobs that are not fully pollinated. Quite often, on home grown cobs, you will not get a full cob, but what is there is perfectly edible.
24 Aug, 2010