By Osier
United Kingdom
how can I get rid of leek mite?
13 Nov, 2017
well this seems to be a 'new' pest. the RHS don't have it listed and a couple of other garden forums seem to be of the opinion that like the fuchsia gall mite you cant do anything to eradicate it.
best advice is not to grow leeks for a couple of years or if you must well away from the infected plot.
why do you think it is leek mite rather than a more common pest leek moth?
welcome to GoY too :o)
13 Nov, 2017
Would like to know more about Leek Mite. Nothing much on the Web other than a vague mention from a Radio programme about pests.
13 Nov, 2017
Spray with hot soapy water - dish soap works pretty good or hand soap. Vinegar is another possibility.
13 Nov, 2017