By Marionreader
United Kingdom
I'm just making a herb garden when is the best time to plant or would growing from seed be a better option. The soil is quite heavy and the site quite windy.
7 Dec, 2017
If you have a sunny south facing window, you can grow herbs all winter long on your 'kitchen' windowsill. Most garden centers have kits which include everything you need.
8 Dec, 2017
Oregano and thyme seeds won't sprout until they have gone through a winter, so I would plant those now--after conditioning the soil as Sbg says.
8 Dec, 2017
depends on which herbs you wish to grow. If they are pot grown they can be planted any time providing the soil isn't frozen. seed grown plants may take longer especially some of the woody herbs like rosemary and sage. Basil is best grown from seed but I find I have to keep it in the greenhouse if it is a cold winter. Try improving the drainage of the soil by digging in grit and compost to open the soil up and improve the nutrient levels. The windy site may be a problem again depending on what you grow.
7 Dec, 2017