By Hank
United Kingdom
I’m now using so much garlic it’s time I tried to grow my own again - (I recently made some garlic soup, which included 16 cloves in the recipe) very nice too it was.
But having looked through the available info, I gather I must grow hard-necked garlic, which should have been set in October.
I’m really looking forward to your comments, advice, recipes etc as usual.
12 Dec, 2017
Thanks Tug, but are they “ hard necked” ? I am told these are what I need to grow
13 Dec, 2017
Sorry Tug, I misunderstood. Got it now and will be trying these. Have made a note of the name.
13 Dec, 2017
No problem, Hank! :)
13 Dec, 2017
I hope you're not on blood thinners like warfarin, apixaban, or clopidogrel, Hank - eating excessive and frequent amounts of garlic can cause unwanted bleeding, even in people who aren't on blood thinners... I imagine, with the amount you eat, the aroma of garlic must be oozing from all your pores rather than just on your breath, lol!
13 Dec, 2017
Hello B, yes, I am on blood thinners - apixaban, but no-one’s ever warned me about problems with garlic. I live with my son who’s never mentioned any aroma - and he always speaks his mind. He does remind me not to eat it when I’m likely to be closer than usual to people ( for example, as I have complicated eyesight I volunteer at a local Uni to help with the training o future optometrists who’ve never complained ).
And whenever I do bleed I always attend to the problem immediately.
13 Dec, 2017
It is listed as one of the 'herbal' things that might increase the risk of bleeding on the apixaban leaflet - I just checked.Doesn't mean you can't eat it, it just means not consuming too much of it... IN fact, all the usual suspects are there - ginger, dong quai, omega 3 oils, St.John's Wort, ginger, ginseng, chamomile, grapefruit and grapefruit juice... the only one not mentioned is cranberry juice, so not sure if that's okay or not - it isn't with warfarin.
13 Dec, 2017
Thanks B, I’ll have a word with my Dr next time I see her.
13 Dec, 2017
Previous question
Try Garlic Chives (Allium tuberosum) in the spring, Hank, as a stop gap until you can plant Garlic.
13 Dec, 2017