By Sunshines
United Kingdom
hi what can i feed my potted baytree and potted olive tree, in the spring uk. thank you
1 Jan, 2018
you could also add some slow release granules to the top 2" of compost. do you refresh the top 2" compost? I usually do.
2 Jan, 2018
hi thanks to all for your help
2 Jan, 2018
My potted ( 7 ft tall) bay tree has always thrived on my comfrey juice, but I doubt if this is a correct answer.?
3 Jan, 2018
I feed everything with liquid seaweed extract (maxicrop) and my olive and bay (both potted) are doing well.
3 Jan, 2018
Previous question
« hi what can i feed my pot baytree and pot olive tree ,in the spring. thank you
If you are using the Bay leaves for seasoning, I would use something organic, such as fish emulsion or fish meal, according to package directions, and the same should work for the Olive tree. If your water is slightly acidic, you may also want to add pinch or two of bone meal to the mix, since phosphate is going to leave the compost faster under those conditions.
1 Jan, 2018