West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Sorry SBG, I was just explaining why the y was missing off 'years' in my question on the bay tree! The keyboard is old and the top of y is missing so unless I hit it hard it doesn't work........but .I have a spanking new laptop to get to grips with now
18 Jan, 2018
no need to apologise to me pennyfarthing. I don't think I'd noticed.
I'll let you know when the Buddleia is ready for posting.
19 Jan, 2018
I agree,no need for apologies..I could see what happened..enjoy your new laptop :o)
19 Jan, 2018
Hi Pennyfarthing! Absolutely no apology needed, we knew what you meant. However, its easier for all if you add your comments at the bottom of the actual question, or photo, rather than start a new 'question'. Lots of people take a while to get to grips with the way this site works...no worries. But every time you add a new comment, anyone who has already commented will be alerted to your new comment, so it works really well.
19 Jan, 2018
Thanks all. I have been on here a good few years now but am still only semi literate when it comes to computer savvy. Whenever any of my children are around they roll their eyes and say, Oh Mum, I only showed you how to do that last week!" i usually correct things via the edit button but I was too late to use that in this case.
19 Jan, 2018
Welcome to my world,Pennyfarthing ! ..but at least we try ! :o)
19 Jan, 2018
Sorry, Penny! When my sister brings up a site on her tablet, it often looks different than on my laptop, and some links occasionally go missing. I was wondering if something was keeping you from responding in the usual way. Apparently just a little lapse of memory, like I occasionally have. :)
20 Jan, 2018
Previous question
So, you aren't able to add comments to your own questions, anymore, Penny?
19 Jan, 2018