By Rouillon
United Kingdom
Hollyhocks? I have grown two beautiful hollyhocks this year, they are about 10feet tall.Deep pink. What do I do at the end of the growing season, do I uproot the plant or leave it?
On plant
26 Aug, 2010
I have lots of them, the single petal type not Powderpuff. When they've flowered and before the seed scatters I cut the stems off, then in spring I cut the rest of the stem off and let it grow again. They last years.
26 Aug, 2010
hi carol , see yog some ans on the hollyhocks , dont 4 get to save me some seeds x i thort u had to did em up as well .
26 Aug, 2010
Sorry Christina I haven't got a clue what you are trying to say... remember I'm a Granny in her 60s!
26 Aug, 2010
You could have fooled me !
26 Aug, 2010
MG I too don't always understand Tex Talk, still don't know how to operate my mobile, still got £10 in it. but I try to keep up with youngsters Cristina lol
If you want Hollyhock seed Christina, I've plenty, will keep some 4 u lol.
As a matter of interest they are easy to grow. I took a big bag full of seed and scattered them down my favourite lane, not one germinated. Down in Suffolk they;re everywhere like weeds.
26 Aug, 2010
lol moon grower , u wud think i bin on the wine , haha trying to amuse rosie at the same time as being on here lol . wot i ment was ( c you got }corol is my frend and i said she shud join , heron i am wth you, no way does she look in her 60 ,s ;0)))
26 Aug, 2010
I give up... still haven't got a clue - except that you don't think I look as if I am in my 60s?
26 Aug, 2010
o k well at least u understood that bit hun lol ;0p x heron wud love some, thankyou . ;0)
26 Aug, 2010
Christina, although I understood you, being nearly 20, maybe when you are on GoY, you should probably stick to easy to understand English.
Poor Moongrower. LOL
27 Aug, 2010
Thanks Alex I honestly don't feel that text talk is very useful on a gardening site. Mind you the grand sons laugh at me because even when I do send them the very occasional message I type each word in full!
27 Aug, 2010
Thou art quite correct in extolling the virtues of correctly pronouncing the written word. May it please you to know that I condone indeed insist upon it. Persons of a less mature development may find such modernism's less time consuming. They may also wish to impress upon us that it provides them with surplus time to indulge in other 'modern practices' demeaning but not gratifying. Yey though it's spoken that the difference is so indefatigable as to be negligible. I fear I may now be in need of refreshment, something of an 'Oriental' flavour followed perhaps with a delectable liquor from the Continent. Or to put another way I'm having a 'Chinkey' with a bottle a booze. c ya lata
27 Aug, 2010
Oh Heron... only you lol
27 Aug, 2010
lol heron , thats moor like it c ya later 2. alex think they shud all learn tx talk dont u. !!!!!!!! , i understand it lol. x
27 Aug, 2010
LOL! txt tlk is ok for txt msgs, but nt 4 convos wiv ppl of all ages.
LOL! Text Talk is O.K for text messages, but not for conversations with people of all ages.
I hardly use text talk, because it is harder to understand, even if you understand it. It just takes longer to decifer.
I also think Heron may have been on the booze before posting his message.
27 Aug, 2010
Christine you are the epitome of abbreviation......but I like you :-)))
27 Aug, 2010
27 Aug, 2010
oh heron u say the nicest things lol haha alex , poor carol is going to wonder what's going on with her ? isn't she . heron do you want me to repeat it honey , ( honey is long 4 hun) lol( this means laugh out loud ) x
27 Aug, 2010
Ha HA HA is that loud enough? speaking of laughter, a friend sent me a link to old BBC radio comedy repeats. life with the Lions. Round the horn, Ron and Ef, and many more. I'll post it if you like.
27 Aug, 2010
you are funny lol. but i like it 2 ,my mum used to litten to them . u love ur radio dont you ? i like smooth fm.
27 Aug, 2010
Alex - that is my problem, I don't have a base to work from to understand the language - bit like archeolinguistics!
Heron - behave before I go 'Round the Horn' lol... xxx
27 Aug, 2010
MG they really don't make you laugh like that any more. I remember listening with my feet on the mantelpiece, the fire roaring and me roaring with laughter.
27 Aug, 2010
well heron i have had a reall gud laf on here to nite hun so think my bed is calling , c ya asap nite nite . x
27 Aug, 2010
Ach well I guess I know when it is time to move on... I have no desire to understand txt message vocab! and see no reason to on a gardening site! Sorry but if you want to talk about plants speak English!
27 Aug, 2010
a little laughter goes a long way m.g and gardening is meant to b fun , so i will say good night . happy gardening x
27 Aug, 2010
Poor Rouillon just asked a question and we all took it over discussing text messaging.
Probably should stop now.
28 Aug, 2010
sure she will c the joke alex , have fun x
28 Aug, 2010
Hollyhocks are herbaceous perennials so just leave them to die back naturally in the autumn and they will grow again in spring. You can either remove the dead flower stems or, if you would like more hollyhocks, allow the seed pods to ripen collect the seed, store in a paper envelope somewhere cool and dry and sow next spring.
26 Aug, 2010