By Ashman
United Kingdom
What should I do with the ashes from my incinerator ?
18 Feb, 2018
Keep wood ash off raspberry canes though. if what you're burning is garden rubbish it can go on the compost heap too.
18 Feb, 2018
I don't see an 'incinerator' as being a wood burner, more like coal at the best. It needs to go into the rubbish bin.
18 Feb, 2018
Both fuel and fodder for your incinerator should be kept out of the garden, just to play it safe.
19 Feb, 2018
Having said all that if you are just burning wood you can use the wood ash in the garden or compost as long as it has not been treated with preservative.
19 Feb, 2018
Previous question
Depends what was burned. Wood ash can be used to 'sweeten' the soil. Petroleum & synthetic ash is toxic. Ashes from dead animals can spread the lethal anthrax bacteria. Anthrax spores can remain viable in the soil for decades. Be careful!
18 Feb, 2018