By Elke
Nova Scotia,
I have a new orchid blooming but have lost the label. I got it a couple of years ago, but it didn't do much. Last Fall it produced a 25 cm x 15 cm frond, with tiny buds. This week a couple of them opened. Each bloom is 2 cm long. Does anyone know what it could be? I've tried to ID it from photo images on the Web but I'm not finding a match. Thanks in advance.

18 Feb, 2018
Thanks so much! It certainly looks like it. I will see if I can find another one - this one was overwatered, unfortunately, and died completely. I'm glad I got photos before that happened. I attend the annual orchid show in Wolfville, Nova Scotia every February and have never seen this variety there.Oddly, I found it at a local superstore when it was just leaves, and had no idea it would bloom so prettily.
19 Jan, 2019
Previous question
It looks like an Oncidium, or a very close relative of one. Maybe one of the Oncidium 'Twinkle' series?
18 Feb, 2018