By Dianebulley
United Kingdom
I am depressed - after 5 years of care my Peace Lily
has never flowered. Its in semi shade near to the south facing window, should be happy. I have just wiped the leaves with a damp cloth, no sign of a bud.
Should I put it on the window sill ?
24 Feb, 2018
Yes. Every 3 months with doff Container and Basket Feed.
Which happens to be under the sink in the kitchen !
Seems to be ok for balcony half baskets.
Advice about this would be appreciated.
24 Feb, 2018
I can't seem to find a copy of the Doff label, but you should re-read the label. Judging by the N-P-K numbers and apparent dilution rate, it should be applied about every third watering, which probably should be more often than once every 4 months. Also, to bloom, Peace Lily should have medium bright, indirect light. That usually means within two meters of a window without a porch cover outside--and not off to one side!
24 Feb, 2018
The doff Plant Food menu is one inner capful to 8 pints of water. I have moved the Peace Lily over to the other side of the window, by the balcony door window, more light over there. Took it to the kitchen, gave it a good drink in the kitchen sink bowl.
The method given on the label is to feed it in this way every 3rd watering. Have entered this on my calendar.
Thank you Tug.
24 Feb, 2018
This is unbelievable ! My Peace Lily has thrown up two new
shoots from the root in 24 hours.
The sun has moved round today pointing in from the other side of the window.
I keep going looking at it. Tug you are the most wonderful man in the plant world !
The instructions state to give it a good soaking when I water it, will take it out to the kitchen sink each time to get this right as well.
25 Feb, 2018
Wow! I wish that I could take credit, but it must have been getting ready to do that even as you posted the question! My advice may have accelerated that by, say, all of five minutes. ;)
Good to hear that it is growing, though!
26 Feb, 2018
You can be too kind to them. I only water mine when the leaves look a bit less shiny. I just water it from above and not too much. It lives on north facing windowsill and has minimum care - perhaps two or thee feeds of Miraclegrow over the summer and that's it. Just coming into flower again now. Good luck Diane - don't coddle it!
26 Feb, 2018
Thank you everyone. I think its in the right place now, as
we are enjoying daily sunshine - for a time.
Hope everyone keeps warm over the coming days.
26 Feb, 2018
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« Hi All Any one got first hand experience with Astilbe & are vine weevil...
Have you fed it ?
24 Feb, 2018