By Cambria
United States
Wondering if anyone could identify this plant. It has some yellowing leaves and I assume it may need to be repotted. Any help on this would be great thanks

1 Mar, 2018
Hi Cambria! I agree with SBG. This plant is real treasure, it is one of the best indoor plants for cleansing the air and feeding you oxygen. :)
1 Mar, 2018
If it's just a few yellow leaves, they may just be leaves whose time has come, so no treatment will be necessary.
2 Mar, 2018
Thanks so much you guys! I haven’t given it liquid feed in a little trying to simulate the season and it’s been really overcast here but I appreciate all of the advice. I will get some feed today.
2 Mar, 2018
My initial thought is a Dracaena possibly D marginata. Some one else may be able to offer a better id.
Have you given it a liquid feed lately? You should be able to buy houseplant food or you could use tomato food that is diluted 50% weaker than you would use for tomatoes. losing the odd leaf would be normal but if many are going yellow that sounds like a lack of nutrients.
welcome to GoY too :o)
1 Mar, 2018