By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Its going to be snow interesting after the thaw to see what has survived this weather episode. My Daphne Rebecca and others looked really poor after the December frosts, never mind these cold temperatures. Even the pots in my insulated greenhouse have frozen compost!! I don't know if perennials that were emerging like the foxtail lilies will survive. The garden centres will be rubbing their hands in glee as we probably have loads of plants to replace. The pheasants and other birds are happy that they still have food. Roll on next week.

1 Mar, 2018
Well I guess it will have destroyed my osteospurmums , would you believe the silly things had buds on them and the little poached egg plants were actually flowering last weekend, can't even see my hellebores , but think they'll bounce back again once this lot has cleared, the g'houses are nogo areas, I'm not even opening the doors to have a look.......
1 Mar, 2018
The snows I get this time of year are wet spring snow; not the hard brutal arctic snow. My garden plants usually pull through unscathed.
1 Mar, 2018
I dread to think....but I doubt the Garden Centres will be happy. They will be losing a lot of stock too! Like Lincslass, I am trying hard not to think about it. Nothing we can do now...just have to see.
1 Mar, 2018
I started my seedlings indoors in little dixie cups. I must have a couple hundreds with all kinds of annuals & some perennials.
1 Mar, 2018
I think a large branch of my Pieris might have succumbed - its looking very unhappy. Best of luck everybody and fingers crossed. Its my hardy fuchsias that are worrying me most.
1 Mar, 2018
Paul I decided even before xmas to be good this year and not do a lot, I tell myself that every year, so pleased I have stuck to my resolution this time, I would have probably lost them all...
2 Mar, 2018
We just have to enjoy the moment Barbarak. I am sure I have at least one rhodo that is looking decidedly unhappy. I am sorry to hear about your Daphne. I find them a challenging plant and would hate to lose one.
1 Mar, 2018