By Poppa
South Gloucestershire,
United Kingdom
I have a mature Cordyline Australis which is such a problem with shedding large amounts of leaves. Because of it's height I cannot pull the brown leaves off when they appear. I am wondering whether to have the tree removed but am not sure if that is a big job. Please could someone give me some advice?
Thank you.

26 Aug, 2010
They can be a pain with dropping bits all the time, I know what you mean, have to clear them up every time I go to one client's garden, tree's about the size of yours.
It'll need cutting down first, of course, at that size - you could try just cutting it down by half next Spring to see if that makes it grow lower down, then remove the trunk back to where its growing, but it might not work, it might just die. On the other hand, you've lost nothing by trying that, because its that or take it out now - I'd employ a tree surgeon to do it and take the roots out and remove the debris, though if you're fit and strong, you could do it yourself by taking it down in stages and then digging or hacking out the roots.
26 Aug, 2010
Thanks for your replies.
I hate having trees cut down but in desparation will get some quotes from tree surgeons then decide what to do. Being retired we couldn't tackle the job ourselves. Expect it is going to be a costly job to remove the whole tree but those dropping leaves are getting "beyond a joke" and the tree doesn't look very attractive as it is.
If it is only cut down by half I may end up with numerous new branches?!
Pity about the birds though, they love going in there. They will have to do with my Eucalyptus tree instead!
Many thanks once again,
26 Aug, 2010
Hi Poppa, such a shame that you're considering removing the tree :o(
My nextdoor neighbour has quite a few that are towering about 12ft (maybe more). She stands on a step ladder and uses loppers to trim them. Although I have seen her son using a ladder propped up against the tallest one - looks a tricky job! I am guessing that a tree this size will have roots trailing everywhere - and they're very chunky aswell. I recently replanted one and it's roots were HUGE! I can imagine it's going to be a hard job!
26 Aug, 2010