West Sussex,
United Kingdom
pelargonium geraniums.
I brought these in from the garden into the cold back porch in the autumn, where they have bloomed profusely all through the winter. I have a feeling that I'm doing something wrong. How will they keep their strength up to bloom through the summer again as well, or should I just take cuttings and if so, where should I cut them and when?
13 Mar, 2018
when you cut them back say April use the prunings to make cuttings. make sure you disbud any you want to root though. I will do mine mid/late april and keep them in the conservatory until late may early june when they will go out.
I agree about repotting too.
13 Mar, 2018
Agree with above, they will be fine. I've been doing same with mine for 5 years. You might just want to repot them with fresh new compost/potting soil before you put them out again. Yes, you can still take cuttings if you like, but mother plant should continue on like a trooper.
13 Mar, 2018
Well, that's a relief. I had worried that perhaps I should have been removing the blooms during the winter so that the plants could rest, but they made such a wonderful splash of colour through the dark, dull days that I couldn't do it! Thanks for the advice, everyone.
13 Mar, 2018
They'll be fine. They are just responding to the conditions they find themselves in.
I would repot them, and cut them back if they get leggy. They'll get 'strength' i.e. nutrients from the fresh compost.
13 Mar, 2018