By Wannabe7
United States
I have a musella lasiocarpa in a pot that finally bloomed after 4 years. even after its winter in the garage [I am z6] the bloom still holds. it does have about 10 new shoots, some getting to be good size. should I dig some or all of these out? when the plant was young I dug some of these shoots, but was not able to save them. any suggestions on how to save them, if possible?
24 Mar, 2018
are the shoots below soil level? if yes then leave them a bit longer so they will develop their own roots.
You could remove all the soil and see where the 'pups' are attached to the mother and take a piece of the mother corm/rhizome with eat pup. that is going to be the most successful way of getting new plants.
the flowers are very long lasting and it is considered to be one of the hardiest bananas but you wont get edible babana of them sadly..
25 Mar, 2018