By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
I was just wondering, seeing Ispybird is no longer around which I think was part of this site that we could ask questions about Birds on here as I have had a few visitors of different type of Doves & Pigeons.
Just thought I ask :o))
30 Mar, 2018
I don't think the odd question especially if it is in your garden will be a problem. after all people ask about insects etc.
30 Mar, 2018
Thanks for your comments, I’ll put the two new visitors in my garden on my next post as can’t add them on (Add a Comment) ?
2 Apr, 2018
Hi, there is no strict division between pigeons and doves, and the wild rock dove has been domesticated for years, and lots have escaped to live wild as the town pigeon, and eats seeds and cereal.
Collared doves are pale pinky-brown, grey colour, with a distinctive black collar, deep red eyes, and reddish feet, eats seeds grains buds and shoots.
Wild rock dove, [feral pigeon] has a large variety of colours, from pale grey, dull brick red, or cinnamon-brown, or can be more or less white.
Stock dove, similar to above but mostly blue-grey with irridescent bottle green band on the back of the neck, and a pink chest, and unlike feral pigeons, they don't have pale rumps, eats seeds.
Turtle doves are quite dainty, smaller than a collared dove, but slightly larger than a blackbird, upper parts distinctively mottled with chestnut and black, and it's black tail has a white edge, eats seeds.
Wood pigeon, largest and most common pigeon, largely grey with a white neck patch, and white wing patches visible in flight, eats crops such as cabbages, sprouts, peas and grain, also buds, shoots, seeds, nuts and berries. Derek.
30 Mar, 2018