By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Barrier for Ground Elder? I have discovered this weed coming through from next door's garden! (They are not gardeners so it wouldn't bother them, even if they know about it.) So I'm wondering if I can sink a barrier between our gardens: have found "deep root" which is used to stop bamboo spreading. Has anyone tried that? Thanks.
13 Apr, 2018
My brother has used a stiff plastic membrane [possibly deep root] as his neighbours also don't garden and they think it looks like a good ground cover plant to them.
thankfully ground elder rhizomes don't go very deep.
13 Apr, 2018
Many thanks Paul and Eileen - I will consider both options.
13 Apr, 2018
The Ground Elder is coming through under the Laurel Hedge between the gardens, so I'd better be careful of its roots . . .
14 Apr, 2018
Previous question
« Can anybody tell me what this Is? I have it coming up everywhere.
Ground Elder is so virulent, I think eventually it's going to find its way around your barrier via seed or rhizomes. I would use carefully targeted roundup.
13 Apr, 2018