By Barbarap
United Kingdom
I have had several large fir trees taken down but the roots are still in the ground. I would like to make the area into a veg patch, are the roots still alive? and if yes, will they take much water out of the ground.
27 Aug, 2010
What about adding stump killer? would that stop the water uptake BB?
27 Aug, 2010
Thanks- Barbara
27 Aug, 2010
Water uptake is going to be minimal without any foliage to feed. I don't think that there is any benefit to using stump killer on trees that won't sprout again from the stumps, and conifers don't. Even when killed the physical mass of roots will still be in the ground and even a stump grinder won't shift the roots.
27 Aug, 2010
I bought tree stump killer last year by mistake instead of weed killer. So I know I have some by me. Will try and get as many of the shoots dug out.
Thanks again.
Do you know anything about pear trees? Some of the leaves on my mature pear tree, have turned black. The fruit is very small. Normally the trees loaded , but not this year . I've been through a book and the nearest is a fungus infection, but if I treat it for that and its not that? What will happen.
27 Aug, 2010
Thanks BB
27 Aug, 2010
Sorry, Barbara - pass. I don't know much about fruit tree diseases. Try asking as a new question, I am sure that someone will know.
27 Aug, 2010
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The roots are dying, Barbara, and will take less and less water out of the soil each year. However, there will be a large, hard mat of roots in the ground that will not go away until you physically remove them and the soil will be quite impoverished at the moment. You will need to add plenty og humus and compost to improve it.
27 Aug, 2010