By Doubleaacres
United States
We purchased a climbing rose bush from a well known garden catalog. We planted it in the ground but it wasn't growing very well so we dig it up and planted it in a pot. It started growing so we planted back in the ground but now it only has one long stem while the rest of the stems are green but not growing longer.
What are we doing wrong?
25 Apr, 2018
digging it up and moving it are the main problems. You need to be patient and leave it in the ground and allow it to develop a decent root system. water well especially in dry spells and give it time to settle in. next year you can expect it to thrive for you.
the stems that are green and not growing will produce new shoots. How long are they? You could cut them back to the next dormant bud to encourage them to grow.
If that long stem is coming from below the graft point [a photo would help] pull it off, don't cut it as you wont remove all the growth point.
Welcome to GoY :o)
26 Apr, 2018
I agree with Seaburngirl. Climbing Roses seem to take so much longer to establish. You really have to be patient with them. In the third year after planting you will see them start to really grow well. Not all of them....Iceberg romped away in its first season here, but all my other climbers and ramblers have taken a few years.
26 Apr, 2018
I really need too see a clear photo of the rosebush in question, especially the graft portion - where the main-stem is joined to the root-stock. Is the 'long stem' coming from above or below the graft?
26 Apr, 2018